Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reflective Review of Youth Work Practice

My decision to study E131 Introduction to Working with Young people was based on my desire to cement my experiential learning by developing my knowledge of theoretical concepts through academic study. I have worked with young people for seven years, and the majority of my training thus far has been practice based. My current role is as a group worker in a therapeutic community for children and young people. The therapeutic community is a residential provision with a specialist education and therapy centre for children and young people with attachment disruption and trauma leading to social and behavioural difficulties.We also work with children displaying sexualised and self-harming behaviours. The therapeutic milieu which exists within the community is underpinned by an attachment focussed approach and provides stability for chaotic behaviour and a disregulated emotional state. The therapeutic provision is underpinned by an integrated team approach which includes Child Psychotherapy , Clinical and Forensic Psychology, Educational Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Social Work and Counselling.Prior to beginning Open University’s E131 Introduction to Working with Young People, and due to the highly specialised nature of the work I do, I held the belief that I had little to learn relating to youth work. The most significant, and surprising, realisation I experienced whist working through the module was that I will never and can never know everything there is to know about youth work. In fact, the very nature of my role within the Therapeutic Community may have narrowed my view of young people to only the most damaged individuals, which in turn has narrowed my outlook on the issues that young people are faced with today.A young person commented ‘†¦you can’t talk about â€Å"understanding young people† – all young people are different, so you would have to know different things to understand them all’ (The Open University, 2005, Study Topic 3, pg 5). This statement impacted me in a way that I didn’t expect. Not only in my working life, but also in my view of young people in general. When working with the most damaged children in society the danger is that all young people become viewed as potentially violent, harmful and not to be trusted.This view is contradictory to the very nature of youth work as set out in the National Youth agency’s Ethical Principles, which states ‘youth workers have a commitment to treat young people with respect, valuing each individual and avoiding negative discrimination’ (Harrison and Wise, 2005, pg 20). Although I do not feel my practice is discriminatory, my somewhat insular views on young people, and preoccupation with high risk behaviour in my working life, may have negatively influenced my ability to ‘value the individual’.This is an area that, due to my learning throughout the module, I have made a concerted effort to address. I have renewed my efforts to look past the negative behaviour and the diagnoses to view the young people I work with as individuals who are not defined by their circumstances. This has had a positive impact on my working practice as I continue to reflect on ways in which I can be more open to the individual needs of the young people with whom I work. The learning throughout the module has also given me the opportunity to come to terms with and challenge another view I was unaware I held.I had given little consideration to the view I held on youth work in general other than my belief that the work I do is not technically ‘youth work’ but rather more specialised and important. This is a view I now consider to be arrogant and unhelpful. Howard Williamson states that the ‘public perception of youth work is still largely locked into ideas about youth clubs and table tennis and pool’ (Williamson, 2005, pg 70), and prior to beginning this module I mus t admit that I held a similar misconception.However, Williamson’s account of his own experiences of youth work and the positive impact it has on the lives of young people has altered my perception. Although this has not directly impacted on my working practice, it has enabled me to view my role as a group and individual worker within the wider context of youth work, and realise the importance of broadening the experiences of the young people with whom I work, through valuing the opportunities on offer within the wider community.The shift in my view of youth work has also enabled me to consider the challenges that exist in my own work setting. One of the fundamental principles of youth work is the ‘voluntary principal’ (Jeffs, cited in The Open University, 2005, Study Topic 12, pg 5). This is described as ‘the kind of work where young people can choose not to take part†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (The Open University, 2005, Study Topic 1, pg 5). Within the setting of a t herapeutic community, and specifically within the context of my role as group worker, I find it difficult to describe the opportunities on offer for the young people as voluntary.For example, the therapeutic, social and educational workshop programme, which young people who are resident in the therapeutic community have access to during the school holidays, is considered to be voluntary, although it is incentivised through access to days out and rewards for attendance. However, some of the young people resident within the community may consider that their placements are not voluntary, making it difficult to consider any of the interventions on offer as such.Although I accept that youth work in its truest form should be voluntary, it has been difficult for me to accept that the work that takes place with the young people within the Therapeutic Community is any less valuable. The young people with whom I work are the most damaged in the country and would not be able to access the type of support they need without what Mark Smith calls coercive forms of participation (Smith, cited in The Open University, 2005, Study Topic 2, pg 31). Should we let them choose to avoid forming relationships and realising their potential forever simply to retain a puritanical view of what youth work is supposed to be?Or should we, as adults, do everything in our power to prevent these young people, who society has already failed, become casualties of that failure? Mark Smith also introduced the idea that targeting ‘at risk’ young people for focussed work as a negative progression in terms of youth work in its purest form. Smith feels that ‘the identification of specific target groups has the potential to lead to a narrowing of the diversity of young people worked with’ (2003, cited in The Open University, 2005, Study Topic 2, pg 30).Although I agree with Smiths statement, I am also aware of the funding limitations which exist, and am a strong believer that the most vulnerable or ‘at risk’ young people in society are a priority in terms of accessing the support they need. Despite my desire to defend the work I do, and its less than voluntary nature, my practice has been positively impacted by reflecting on the reason why the ‘voluntary principal’ is so highly regarded in relation to youth work.Within the process of planning the therapeutic, social and education groups within our group work programme, I have realised the important of extensive consultation with the young people to ensure the topics covered are relevant to them; something they are interested in and value, rather than what I feel they need or want. In this regard, I have been able to ensure that group participation is due to values that are closer to the concept outlined by the ‘voluntary principal’ than the idea of coercive participation.The impact of my shift in perspective on the young people within the therapeutic community is ye t to be evidenced, but the planning process for the groups has been much more focussed. Bruce Tuckman (cited in the Open University, 2005, Study Topic 6) has identified the five stages in a group’s life, his concept names the stages as Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Morning. As a group worker this concept underpins my practice in that my observations of the group and its progress are linked to identifying the stage in which the group is functioning and adapting my role as facilitator accordingly.Due to the chaotic nature of the client group within the therapeutic community the group regularly revisits the Storming stage of group development. In Study Topic 6, (The Open University, 2005, pg 27) this stage has been identified as a time when ‘there may be overt or covert antagonism towards the group worker’. When reflecting on my role as group facilitator, the reaffirmation of the pressures placed on me during this stage has been helpful. I have been rem inded about the importance of regular reflection in relation to the emotive aspect of group work in order to ensure the experience is safe and effective for the young people involved.In addition, the reflections of Guy Butler-Madden a Youth Support Worker at Lowbridge Youth Centre (Audio theme 6), in relation to the ‘storming’ stage of the DofE groups, impacted my learning through developing a shared understanding of some of the more challenging aspects of group work with others who work in a similar field. The final area of the module which has impacted on my learning is the importance of reflection. Study Topic 10 introduced the work of Donald Schon (1996) who advocated the ‘reflective practitioner approach to professional decision making’ (cited in the Open University, 2005, Study Topic 10, pg 6).Schon emphasises the importance of reflection for professional development and problem solving, rather than relying on ‘off the peg solutions’. Thi s concept has significantly impacted my approach to the work I do, in as much as I have introduced a weekly reflective space with my colleagues in order to consider decision making and problem solving in a formal setting. The act of practicing the art of reflection in a formal setting should impact my learning in that reflection will become second nature, thus improving my practice.In conclusion, the most significant impact my learning from the module has had on what I have already learned in my work with young people, has been identifying and challenging some of my preconceptions. In particular I feel that studying E131 has helped me gain a better understanding youth work in its purest form, its purpose and its values; and has allowed me to view youth work as a valuable tool in aiding young people through their transition into adulthood. My understanding of group process has been cemented and I have developed an insight into the challenges faced by other organisations in relation t o group dynamics.Finally, I have learned the value of effective reflection, and how professional development through using my knowledge as a fluid tool to enable effective decision making, rather than having a ridged view of the way an issue should be approached, can lead to more positive outcomes. All of these areas have impacted on what I have already learned from working with young people by allowing me to view my role within the wider context of youth work. My outlook has shifted insomuch as I now feel part of a wider agenda which seeks to enable young people to transition successfully and positively into adulthood.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pharaphrasing the Purple Hibiscus Essay

Kambili and Jaja both come of age in Purple Hibiscus as a result of their experiences. The book opens with Jaja rebelling against his devout Catholic father by skipping communion on Palm Sunday, an important religious holiday. The following chapters detail the events that culminate in Jaja’s defiance. The book is narrated by Kambili three years after this incident. Since she has been stunted by the severe punishments of her father, Kambili barely speaks. Her narration is striking because it can be concluded that she finds her own voice throughout this ordeal. Both Kambili and Jaja take steps towards adulthood by overcoming adversity and being exposed to new thoughts. Part of growing up is building your own identity by choosing which paths to follow. In Enugu, the only path Kambili and Jaja are allowed to follow is Papa. He writes out schedules and severely punishes them when they stray. When Kambili and Jaja visit their Aunty Ifeoma in Nsukka, they are astonished by what they find. Though her home is small and devoid of luxuries, there is love and respect. Her children Amaka and Obiora are allowed to question authority and choose their own paths. Obiora, though he is three years younger than Jaja, is articulate and protective. He has been initiated into Igbo culture by performing a rite of manhood. Jaja was not allowed to participate and is ashamed that he is lagging behind his cousin. In Nsukka, Jaja is encouraged to rethink his allegiances and make his own decisions. Aunty Ifeoma encourages Kambili to reconsider her stance on Papa-Nnukwu. As she has been taught by Papa, her grandfather is a heathen. But when she searches his face, she sees no signs of godliness. After witnessing his innocence ritual, Kambili questions the absolute rule of her father. Both Kambili and Jaja take major steps towards adulthood by claiming their individuality. Religion There is a contrast between Father Benedict and Father Amadi. Priest at Papa’s beloved St. Agnes, Father Benedict is a white man from England who conducts his masses according to European custom. Papa adheres to Father Benedict’s style, banishing every trace of his own Nigerian heritage. Papa uses his faith to justify abusing his children. Religion alone is not to blame. Papa represents the wave of fundamentalism in Nigeria that corrupts faith. Father Amadi, on the other hand, is an African priest who blends Catholicism with Igbo traditions. He believes that faith is both simpler and more complex than what Father Benedict preaches. Father Amadi is a modern African man who is culturally-conscious but influenced by the colonial history of his country. He is not a moral absolutist like Papa and his God. Religion, when wielded by someone gentle, can be a positive force, as it is in Kambili’s life. Papa-Nnukwu is a traditionalist. He follows the rituals of his ancestors and believes in a pantheistic model of religion. Though both his son and daughter converted to Catholicism, Papa-Nnukwu held on to his roots. When Kambili witnesses his morning ritual, she realizes that their faiths are not as different as they appear. Kambili’s faith extends beyond the boundaries of one religion. She revels in the beauty of nature, her family, her prayer, and the Bible. When she witnesses the miracle at Aokpe, Kambili’s devotion is confirmed. Aunty Ifeoma agrees that God was present even though she did not see the apparition. God is all around Kambili and her family, and can take the form of a smile. The individualistic nature of faith is explored in Purple Hibiscus. Kambili tempers her devotion with a reverence for her ancestors. Jaja and Amaka end up rejecting their faith because it is inexorably linked to Papa and colonialism, respectively. Colonialism Colonialism is a complex topic in Nigeria. For Papa-Nnukwu, colonialism is an evil force that enslaved the Igbo people and eradicated his traditions. For Papa, colonialism is responsible for his access to higher education and grace. For Father Amadi, it has resulted in his faith but he sees no reason that the old and new ways can’t coexist. Father Amadi represents modern Nigeria in the global world. Papa is a product of a colonialist education. He was schooled by missionaries and studied in English. The wisdom he takes back to Nigeria is largely informed by those who have colonized his country. He abandons the traditions of his ancestors and chooses to speak primarily in British-accented English in public. His large estate is filled with western luxuries like satellite TV and music. Amaka assumes that Kambili follows American pop stars while she listens to musicians who embrace their African heritage. But the trappings of Papa’s success are hollow. The children are not allowed to watch television. His home, modernized up to Western standards, is for appearances only. There is emptiness in his home just as his accent is falsified in front of whites. Over the course of the novel, both Kambili and Jaja must come to terms with the lingering after-effects of colonialism in their own lives. They both adjust to life outside their father’s grasp by embracing or accepting traditional ways. Nigerian Politics Both Kambili and the nation are on the cusp of dramatic changes. The political climate of Nigeria and the internal drama of the Achike family are intertwined. After Nigeria declared independence from Britain in 1960, a cycle of violent coups and military dictatorship led to civil war, which led to a new cycle of bloody unrest. Even democracy is hindered by the wide-spread corruption in the government. In Purple Hibiscus, there is a coup that culminates in military rule. Papa and his paper, the Standard, are critical of the corruption that is ushered in by a leader who is not elected by the people. Ironically, Papa is a self-righteous dictator in his own home. He is wrathful towards his children when they stray from his chosen path for them. In the wake of Ade Coker’s death, Papa beats Kambili so severely she is hospitalized in critical condition. Both in Nigeria and in the home, violence begets violence. Kambili and Jaja are kept away from the unrest at first. They witness protests, deadly roadblocks, and harassment from the safety of their car. But when they arrive in Nsukka, they are thrust into political debate. Obiora says the university is a microcosm for Nigeria – ruled by one man with all the power. Pay has been withheld from the professors and light and power are shut off frequently. Medical workers and technicians go on strike and food prices rise. There are rumors that the sole administrator is misdirecting funds intended for the university. This is a parallel to what is happening in the country at large. Kambili and Jaja now understand firsthand the struggle of their cousins. The personal becomes political, and vice versa. Silence Several characters are gripped with silence throughout the novel. Kambili suffers the most, unable to speak more than rehearsed platitudes without stuttering or coughing. Her silence is a product of the abuse that she endures at the hands of her father. Kambili does not allow herself to tell the truth about her situation at home. When her classmates taunt her for being a backyard snob, she does not explain that she does not socialize out of fear. She is not allowed to dally after school lest she be late and beaten. She finally learns how to speak her mind when she is taunted continuously be her cousin Amaka. Aunty Ifeoma encourages her to defend herself and only then can Amaka and Kambili begin their friendship. Kambili begins to speak more confidently, laugh and even sing. The titles of the second and fourth section are Speaking With Our Spirits and A Different Silence. Kambili and Jaja communicate through their eyes, not able to utter the ugly truth of their situation. Mama, like her daughter, cannot speak freely in her own home. Only with Aunty Ifeoma can she behave authentically. The silence that falls upon Enugu after Papa is murdered is, as the title suggests, different. There is hopelessness to this silence like the one that existed when Papa was alive. But it is an honest silence. Mama and Kambili know the truth and there is nothing more that can be said. Jaja’s silence betrays a hardness that has taken hold of him in prison. There is nothing he can say that will end the torment he experiences. The tapes that Aunty Ifeoma sends with her children’s voices are the only respite he has. Silence is also used as punishment. When Kambili and Jaja arrive in Nsukka for Easter, Jaja refuses to speak to his father when he calls. After the years of silence that he has imposed upon his children, they use it as a weapon against him. The government also silences Ade Coker by murdering him after he prints a damning story in the Standard. When soldiers raid Aunty Ifeoma’s flat, they are trying to silence her sympathies with the rioting students through intimidation. Silence is a type of violence. Domestic Violence On several occasions, Papa beats his wife and children. Each time, he is provoked by an action that he deems immoral. When Mama does not want to visit with Father Benedict because she is ill, Papa beats her and she miscarries. When Kambili and Jaja share a home with a heathen, boiling water is poured on their feet because they have walked in sin. For owning a painting of Papa-Nnukwu, Kambili is kicked until she is hospitalized. Papa rationalizes the violence he inflicts on his family, saying it is for their own good. The beatings have rendered his children mute. Kambili and Jaja are both wise beyond their years and also not allowed to reach adulthood, as maturity often comes with questioning authority. When Ade Coker jokes that his children are too quiet, Papa does not laugh. They have a fear of God. Really, Kambili and Jaja are afraid of their father. Beating them has the opposite effect. They choose the right path because they are afraid of the repercussions. They are not encouraged to grow and to succeed, only threatened with failure when they do not. This takes a toll on Jaja especially, who is ashamed that he is so far behind Obiora in both intelligence and protecting his family. He ends up equating religion with punishment and rejects his faith. There is an underlying sexism at work in the abuse. When Mama tells Kambili she is pregnant, she mentions that she miscarried several times after Kambili was born. Within the narrative of the novel, Mama loses two pregnancies at Papa’s hands. The other miscarriages may have been caused by these beatings as well. When she miscarries, Papa makes the children say special novenas for their mother’s forgiveness. Even though he is to blame, he insinuates it is Mama’s fault. Mama believes that she cannot exist outside of her marriage. She dismisses Aunty Ifeoma’s ideas that life begins after marriage as â€Å"university talk.† Mama has not been liberated and withstands the abuse because she believes it is just. Ultimately, she poisons Papa because she can see no other way out. The abuse has repressed her to the point that she must resort to murder to escape. Nature/Environment The book’s namesake flower is a representation of freedom and hope. Jaja is drawn to the unusual purple hibiscus, bred by a botanist friend of Aunty Ifeoma. Aunty Ifeoma has created something new by bringing the natural world together with intelligence. For Jaja, the flower is hope that something new can be created. He longs to break free of his Papa’s rule. He takes a stalk of the purple hibiscus home with him, and plants it in their garden. He also takes home the insight he learns from Nsukka. As both blossom, so too do Jaja and his rebellion. Kambili’s shifting attitudes toward nature signify her stage of transformation. During one of the first times she showers at Nsukka, Kambili finds an earthworm in the tub. Rather than coexisting with it, she removes it to the toilet. When Father Amadi takes her to have her hair plaited, she watches a determined snail repeatedly crawl out of a basket. She identifies with the snail as she has tried to crawl out of Enugu and her fate. Later, when she bathes with water scented with the sky, she leaves the worm alone. She acknowledges that God can be found anywhere and she appreciates its determination. In the opening of the book, Kambili daydreams while looking at the several fruit and flower trees in her yard. This same yard, a signifier of wealth, leaves her open for taunts of â€Å"snob† at school. But here she fixates on the beauty of the trees. When she returns from Nsukka after her mother has miscarried, Kambili is sickened by the rotting tree fruit. The rot symbolizes the sickness in the Achike household but also that Kambili is seeing her home with new eyes. Like the trees, she is trapped behind tall walls. Weather also plays a role in the novel. When Ade Coker dies, there are heavy rains. After Palm Sunday, a violent wind uproots several trees and makes the satellite dish crash to the ground. Rain and wind reflect the drama that unfolds in the Achikes’ lives. Mama tells Kambili that a mixture of rain and sun is God’s indecision on what to bring. Just as there can be both rain and sun at the same time, there are good and evil intertwined. In nature, Kambili gleans that there are no absolutes. Papa is neither all good or all bad, her faith does not have to be either Catholic or traditionalist, and she can challenge her parents while still being a good child. * 1-310-919-0950 * Log In | * Sign Up * 1) Five major issues explored in purple hibiscus are; domestic violence, oppression, religion, education and love. 2a) Adichie uses a narrative point of view to explore the theme of domestic violence. The book is narrated in the first person by a 15 year old who is directly affected by domestic violence. Because of her young age she is quiet honest and this allows her to paint a great picture to the audience of the brutal abuse that Eugene bestows upon his family. This is as a result of her sensitive, intelligent and observant nature. 2b) Oppression is explored through narrative point of view. Adichie uses the point of view of Kambili to show the audience how oppressed the country is not only in the Achike household but the whole of Nigeria. Again Kambili’s honesty and good descriptions help to give the readers an idea as of how oppressed the country and Eugene’s household really is. 2c) Adichie uses narrative point of view to explore the theme of religion. She uses this because Kambili the narrator is exposed to different kinds of religion, such as, fanatic Catholics, liberated Catholics and Traditionalists. Again, it is Kambili’s observant nature that helps to give the readers a good idea of what all of the practices are like. Kambili’s narration is also used to show the great impact that religion has on life. 2d) Education is also explored through narration. In the narration Kambili has an encounter with her father and Kambili’s father’s past gives us an idea of how important he thinks education is. 2e) Love is also explored through narration. Although Kambili is a 15 year old through her narration we are able to see that she loves father Amadi. The love however is immature in because they have known each other for a very short time. Although the love narrated is not very mature it is still love. Adichie uses narration to show the audience that Kambili is in love and Adichie uses her narration to give us some hints of this love. 3a) Adichie bring out†¦ [continues]

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Biography of Indian Yellow Essay Example for Free

A Biography of Indian Yellow Essay ? Indian Yellow is a raw pigment which, as the name suggests, originated in India in the 17th century and was used until the early 20th century. Its source remained a mystery for many years. In 1786 the amateur painter, Roger Dewhurst recorded in letters to friends, that Indian yellow was an organic substance made from the urine of animals fed on turmeric (Myers, pg 1). Around this time, the English chemist George Field claimed it was made from camel urine. In 1839, J.F.L. Merimee, denied its association with urine in spite of its odor, citing its origin was a shrub called ‘memecylon tinctorium’ in his book ‘The Art of Painting in Oil and Fresco’, In 1886 the Journal of the Society of Arts in London began a systematic inquiry of the pigment, revealing that Indian yellow was manufactured in rural India (in particular in Monghyr, a city in Bengal) from the urine of cattle fed only on mango leaves and water (Finlay, pg 216-217). The collected urine was heated in order to precipitate the yellow matter, then strained, pressed into lumps by hand and dried, producing foul-smelling hard yellow balls of raw pigment, called ‘purree’ (Mukharji, pg 16-17). European importers would then wash and purify the balls, separating greenish and yellow phases. It is the mango not the urine that’s crucial to the color. The colorant is a magnesium salt of an organic acid released by the mango. Chemically it is magnesium euxanthate, the magnesium salt of euxanthic acid. Naturally, the cows that were exploited by this process were extremely undernourished. In part because mango leaves did not supply the cattle with sufficient nutrients along with the fact that these leaves contain the toxin urushiol, also found in poison ivy. In 1908, British law (which applied to colonized India) prohibited the production of Indian yellow, citing the torture of sacred animals. The pigment is believed to have first been used in Europe by Dutch artists in the 17th century (the Dutch having extensive trading links with India by then) and by the end of the 18th century across Europe in watercolor and oil painting. For the first years of its introduction in the European market, this pigment was simply named after its country of origin, ‘Purà ©e of India’(Finlay, pg 209-211). This was further simplified to ‘jaune indien’ (French), ‘giallo indiano’ (Italian), ‘Indischgelb’ (German) or ‘Indian Yellow’ when tr anslated into other languages (Myers, pg 1). Deep, clear and luminescent, it was favored for its great body and depth of tone. It had a peculiar characteristic in its watercolor form of fading in artificial light and in the dark but being fairly stable in direct sunlight. In its oil form, it requires one hundred percent for grinding, dries slowly, and the addition of varnish improves its drying, in fact its lightfastness is also improved when it is isolated between layers of varnish. Dutch and Flemish painters of the 17th and 18th centuries favored it for its translucent qualities often using it to represent sunlight. Beautiful as the color is, the pigment was said to be foul-smelling in its raw form. In the novel ‘Girl With the Pearl Earring’ Vermeer’s patron remarks that Vermeer used â€Å"cow piss† to paint his wife, the pigment referred to was Indian Yellow. By the early twentieth century the pigment was no longer available, although its modern substitutes are still sold under the name â€Å"Indian yellow†. 1. Baer, N.S., â€Å"Indian Yellow† in â€Å"Artists’ Pigments, a Handbook of Their History and Characteristics†, Volume 1, R.L. Feller, Editor, Oxford University Press, New York (1986) 2. Finlay, Victoria, â€Å"Color: A NAtural History of the Palette† (2003 edition), Random House 3. Merimee, M.J.F.L., â€Å"The Art of Painting in Oil and Fresco† (2009 edition), Kessinger Publishing 4. Mukharji, T.N., â€Å"Piuri or Indian Yellow†, Journal of the Society of Arts (1883-84) 5. Myers, David, â€Å"Indian Yellow†, The Art Blog of David Myers (February 1, 2011) 6. â€Å"Indian Yellow†, Pigments Through the Ages, A Biography of Indian Yellow. (2016, Nov 27).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human Resource Management Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resource Management Master - Assignment Example Another aspect of the selection that may raise expectations is an unintended consequence of its recruitment process. A rigorous recruitment process can have two unintended outcomes. If the recruitment is competitive, it can create a feeling that those who are selected are truly terrific and valued. It can help build a positive self-image if the on-the-job experiences confirm that feeling. It can set the recruits up for disillusionment, however, if their on-the-job experiences do not confirm the self-image created through the recruitment process; it can make them feel that they are not valued. Similarly, by focusing on expectations as a key component in the decision to join a particular organizational workplace, we come to know that when a person chooses between alternative jobs, the choice is affected by the degree to which desired outcomes are likely to be realised. These desired outcomes may be interesting and challenging work, autonomy, responsibility, importance of work, competent boss, and a certain level of salary. The Program creates expectations by advertising training opportunities, rotational assignments, career planning, quick promotions, access to high-level officials, and opportunities for networking as features of the internship. In addition, they are believed to have expectations about the amount of challenge, responsibility, participation, meaningfulness of work, and opportunities to make a difference. Conversely, they are more likely to leave if their expectations are not met. Expectations may be influenced by prior work experiences. Those who have littl e prior work experience may have a more idealized view of what work will be like, and therefore have more unrealistic expectations than those who have at least some work experience. The good point is that expectations may be more implicit than explicit. The interviews reveal vagueness about expectations; it seems not a frame of reference for many of the interviewees. They possess goals, hopes, or desires about what they want from their work experience but it they are not framed in terms of expectations. Expectancy theory may work best for those who clearly thought about what they wanted and weighed their alternatives and the probabilities of having the experiences they desired. The expectancy model also assumes that people behave rationally in situations where their expectations are not met. When confronted with unmet expectations, the rational response, according to the theory, is to seek new employment that will more likely meet their expectations. However, it appears that not all people seek new employment under those circumstances. None of the interviewees who expressed great dissatisfaction with their current jobs are actively seeking other employment. So, at this point the best HR department does is the analysis of expectations and make decisions of recruitment while analyse candidate's intentions and future plans. While critically analysing the do's and don'ts of a human resource in any organisation, assessment is aimed at determining what are working and what is not working and identifying resource gaps and redundancies. (2006a) Finding employees Recruiting today is taken a lot more seriously

Building brands with the support of social media Research Paper

Building brands with the support of social media - Research Paper Example In order to increase its profitability, it is imperative that a company finds ways to build the brand. Social media’s role in brand building cannot be overemphasized because of its widespread usage and availability, and cost effectiveness. Analytical section of the paper discusses the Hierarchy of Effects, 1 Foot Cone Belding, and the elaboration effect. Final analysis elaborates likelihood model that can provide companies with assistance in building brands using social media provided that it enables customers to use attitude formation towards the offerings of the brand. Overall Recommendations are for companies to pay attention to characteristics and features valued by customers in their products and services as tweeted by the customers on social media websites, and engage with the customers to find best ways to realize their expectations. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Social Media 4 3. Brand 5 3.1 Brand Awareness 5 3.1.1 Foot Cone Belding (FCB) Grid 5 3.2 Brand Imag e 7 3.2.1 The Hierarchy-of-Effects (HoE) Model 7 3.3 Brand Attitude 8 3.3.1 The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) 8 4. Branding in the Age of Social Media 9 5. Recommendations 10 6. Conclusion 11 List of References 12 1. Introduction Use of social media as a tool for brand building is the latest trend and a progressive concept. This trend is commonly observed in higher grade companies particularly in the technologically advanced countries (Nassar, 2012). The following document discusses how social media has helped companies in building brands. The first part of the paper discusses the different sorts of social media, and the tendency of social media to influence and spread businesses and brand’s name. 2. Social Media New Web technologies have revolutionized the way to approach branding for the forward-thinking companies. In the recent years, companies have gained direct access to the customers using such social media services as Google+, Twitter, and Facebook. Number of user s of social media services is growing with time. In addition, these potential customers exist on pages published in social media in a variety of languages, thus allowing brand awareness to penetrate globally. Companies use social media to gain information about their customers including their age, current location, social networks, and hobbies. On the other hand, customers create awareness about brands on social media (Chauhan and Pillai, 2013; Li and Bernoff, 2011). With the growing number of users, social media’s role is being more clearly defined with the passage of time. Consumers are increasingly relying on social media for information, leaving the traditional media as a source of information behind (Mangold and Faulds 2009). Social media websites are aware of their potential to strengthen brands. An example of this is the release of brand pages by Google+ in November 2011 (Sullivan, 2011). 3. Brand In conventional terms, â€Å"brand† means a company’s way of differentiating between itself and its competitors. A brand is conventionally understood as the registered name of a product or service whereas its definition extends beyond that to include a variety of features like a term or a symbol (Hart and Murphy, 1998). Brands serve as signals that trigger perceptions in the minds of consumers regarding the image of a brand shaped by organization’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business Accounting - Essay Example The project is acceptable as both methods show positive outcome in terms of payback period as well as PV of net inflow of the project. Risk is inherent in almost every business. This is more prominent in capital decision making as such decisions involve cost and benefit extending over a period of time. During this long period of time many thing get changed in an unexpected way and hence the risk of return is always there in capital budgeting decisions. The project under consideration carries a medium level of risk. At the same time it is given that the company’s estimate of future cash flows of 10% is too high. A higher discount rate means higher returns. The principal is that higher the risk higher is the returns. If the company considers the medium level of risk for investments under consideration, then this 10% rate calculated on an estimate of higher risk level require suitable adjustments. In other words the rate of discount has to be lowered to the accepted level of medium risk. The company should develop a risk adjusted discount rate. If the company considers the risk of the project equal to the risk of existing investments of the company, then the discount rate of average cost of capital should be considered for evaluating the project. When the risk of the project is greater than the risks of existing investments, then the discount rate used should be higher than average cost of the capital employed with the company. If the risk of the project is lower than risk of existing investments, the discount rate used to evaluate the project should be lower than the average cost of capital employed. In our case the company is expecting medium risk on the project, it is suggestible that average cost of the capital employed be considered as the discount rate to project future cash flows and then discount those cash flows at present value at that average rate of discount in order to compare with present value of net outflows. The calculated discount rate

Friday, July 26, 2019

An Intuitive Scrutiny of the White Noise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An Intuitive Scrutiny of the White Noise - Essay Example Novel Characters The male protagonist in the novel is Jack Gladney who is founder and a professor of Hitler studies at the educational institution named College-on-the-Hill (Delillo 1-326). The current wife of Jack in the novel is named Babette who is the mother of Denise, Wilder and Eugene (Delillo 1-326). The other principal characters in this novel are Heinrich, the son of Jack and Janet Savory who is a pseudo-philosopher and media fanatic; Denise, the daughter of Babette and Bob Pardee, who frequently exerts the most effort in aiding her mother work out her problems; Steffie or Stephanie Rose, the daughter of Jack and Dana Breedlove; Wilder, the son of Babette and Jack and the youngest of all the children, who barely says anything though he is oftentimes missing; and Murray Jay Siskind, who is a professor fascinated with car crashes and Elvis and frequently seen in the grocery store (Delillo 1-326). The other characters in the novel namely, Howard Dunlop, the German instructor of Jack; Dana Breedlove, Jack’s first and fourth wife and who works as a part-time spy; Mary Alice, the oldest child of Jack, who is the result of the first marriage of Jack to Dana, she works with whales in Hawaii; Janet Savory, the second wife of Jack who works as a foreign currency analyst and an ashram member; Tweedy Browner, the third wife of Jack and the mother of Bee; Bee, the child of Tweedy and Jack; Willie Minks known also as Mr. Gray, the Dylar doctor who conducts the affair with Babette; Vernon Dickey, the father of Babette who Jack mistaken as Death one morning; Eric Massingale who is a computer science professor; and Alphonse Stompanato who is a popular culture professor (Delillo 1-326). Novel Plot and Summary The novel is divided into forty chapters and the said chapters are divided into three parts. The first part is labelled Waves and Radiation which consists of Chapters 1-20. The second part is termed as The Airborne Toxic Event which involves Chapter 21. Fina lly, the third part is called Dylarama which encompasses Chapters 22-40 (Delillo 1-326). The story commences with the occurrence of an Airborne Toxic event that hits the small college town where Jack Gladney resides. This crisis had led to the evacuation of the Gladneys but eventually later in the story, they were permitted to go back to their home. During the said incident, Jack was exposed to Nyodene D, which is said to be possibly detrimental and fatal; conversely, Simuvac is not contented with the data that they have obtained from the incident and wishes that a simulation is necessary to prepare the town. On the contrary, Jack’s present wife named Babette has been furtively taking an experimental drug called Dylar, as an exchange she provides sex to the drug inventor named Willie Minks (Delillo 1-326). Eventually, Jack finds out about the affair of his current wife and confronts her; in the end, Jack will also confront Willie and will also shot himself in the process (Del illo 1-326). Novel Scrutiny The novel focuses on death wherein it is shown that the characters fear, obsesses or is fascinated with the concept of death as evidenced by Murray’s line â€Å"He looks like a man who find dead bodies erotic† (Delillo 1-326). Other issues were also tackled in the novel which will be analyzed in this paper. An ethic as defined ecologically by Leopold (214-226) is a limitation on freedom of action in the struggle for existence. Conversely, Leopold (214-226) also define ethics philosophically as a differentiation of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Grammy Nominees Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Grammy Nominees - Research Paper Example Call me maybe is a modern pop that has so much giddiness of teenage. Carly Rae Jepsen was infatuated. The song had to make it to Grammys nomination list. Rock song of the year I will wait for you by Mumford and Sons the single is enough to make you anxious for the release of the whole album. It’s one song you want to listen to as a lullaby and when feeling lonely too. With its shouting chorus mesmerizing percussion and unique banjo, you do not want to miss it yourself. Freedom at 21 by jack white is good for the craziness in this song, I mean what an adult wishes to do is very amazing, making the song not only attractive but good. If you have not listened to the song madness then you are in for a great surprise. This is a nice song courtesy of the band. Beautiful surprise by Tamia makes it to the top as the r n b of the year. Tamia’s voice beautiful will mesmerize you. Her sings of how she misses her love and the emotional connection. This makes the song such a darling to lovers. Adorn another song whereby Miguel wants to show his girl how special she is to him. Probably his funs are women whom he impressed in the song. The oak and pop produced track sounds like it is made of a hootenanny with the loud violin playing. Elle Varner scratchy voice makes the song a nice soul. Apparently, Jay z and Kanye West made the song n***s in Paris a special one. The song was performed ten times in Paris gaining momentum with the funs and making its way to the top in Grammys. The song is an interesting one. A fusion of hip-hop and dent converts so be sure to check it out too. Lil Wayne and drake released yet another hip hop romance along with Tyga. It is all new, drake and lil Wayne not too obvious and leave you surprised. Snoop dog, wiz Khalifa and Bruno mars young wild and free. This hip hop song has been charmed up with a newcomer wiz Khalifa; Snoop dog also unleashes his youthful charm resulting into a new cool music. Blown

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why does science matter to a democratic society Essay

Why does science matter to a democratic society - Essay Example Firstly, this form of punishment is a protective measure. For the safety of the inmates and other people in the facility, there is need to isolate people who are a threat to human life. Therefore, when a person is isolated from other inmates, the inmates’ safety is not jeopardized. Similarly, some inmates tend to have a conflict with a single inmate. This may be due to personal grudges and misunderstanding. Therefore, for the safety of such a person, solitary confinement is a prudent approach. Secondly, this type of punishment is used to limit any illegal or criminal activities. For instance, some inmates have communication avenues whilst in the prison. This communication is crucial as it facilitates criminal activities inside the facility. In some bizarre cases, inmates facilitate criminal activities outside the facility. When the inmates are noted to facilitate such activities, they are isolated from the other inmates. Apparently, this is a prudent approach to the situation. As a fact, the other inmates will not be coerced into joining the criminal gangs. Thirdly, solitary confinement is effective when the people in control are on a suicide watch. It is noted that some people exhibit suicidal behavior. For instance, Evan shot himself twice while on probation (Zennie 1). Similarly, the inmate can commit murder before committing suicide. To substantiate such behavior, the inmate is isolated from the other inmates. This may save the life of the inmate, as there will be a closer focus. Though some people are in support of solitary confinement, some people find it inappropriate. For instance, in the Daily Mail article, there are allegations that solitary confinement may have affected the behavior of attorney’s son. First, it is stated that people need a social life. This is where people interact with others, make friends,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Characteristics of Business Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Characteristics of Business Leadership - Essay Example This earned him a reputation as the greatest business leader giving him honor throughout the world. This Business leader’s primary line of business is electronics. The various companies he has established deals with creation of computers, computer platform, and computer soft ware (Lussier & Achua 2009). This shows that Steve Jobs had a passion for computers. He is also remembered for the major innovation in the computer industry that his first company Apple has innovated under his leadership. We do not trace another line of business that Steve Jobs lead, but that is not to conclude that his leadership style could not have been applied in another field. This is just because of his love for electronics that he had developed since his childhood. Steve Job and his friend Steve Wozniak started by setting up shops in 1976 where they assembling computers. They developed this shop to a company whose work was making computers and called this company Apple computers. On the same year when the company was established it created its first machine which Jobs called it apple I. This was just a beginning as a year later the company would invent its second garget, Apple II which would define the PC era and later, the Macintosh which would define a new direction for the computer industry (Lussier & Achua, 2009). Apple Computers is not the only business that Steve Jobs established. After establishing Apple Jobs went ahead to establish another company whose work was to create computer animated films. He called this company Pixar technologies. Under his leadership, this company also experienced tremendous growth in its area of operation thus making him more famous. He later established another company for developing computer platforms and called it NeXT when he was sacked from being the CEO of Apple and became the CEO. This company was specializing in higher education and business

Contribute to the Child and Young Person Development Essay Example for Free

Contribute to the Child and Young Person Development Essay An explanation of how to give adult support to the children for each of these transitions. If the child has had a death in the family. For instance, a child that they miss their parents or families and they want to be with parents and don’t like to stay at the nursery, firstly they need to be reassured, hugged and soothed, so they can feel that you are there to help them to listen to them, I can talk to them and encourage him or her to do some activities that can help the child to forget the parents for a certain hile, I can encourage him or her to play with other children, tell them a story, or bring them in a home corner to have a quiet time or 1 to 1 talking so they can express their feelings and afterwards they’ll might feel like getting involved with other children when they feel more comfortable and they can make friends and make their bereavement fade with time. They will also need therapy so they can talk through this difficulty or psychologists to help the child. Going to nursery. Going to nursery for the first time is not easy, the child might be worried because they don’t have friend there, they don’t know anyone and they don’t know what do, most of the children, will be shy, and so on. As a nursery practitioner I need to know how to deal with children at the first time in the nursery and I need to think of what best I can do to help them settle in, to make the children development progress. It would be good to meet the parents and child before starting nursery, to see the child daily environment by a home visit. Some children find it difficult to separate from mummy when starting the nursery and might cry, I can seat him or she on my lap reassuring the child, talk to him or her 1 to 1 let the child know that mummy will come back later after lunch, at this time children need to be hug and soothe so they know I am there to help them, take care of them, give them love, I can introduce the other children to him or her, the child might get interested in what other children are doing so I can encourage and help the child to join in. Some might take a while to settle in and might cry they might have a special toy that they use for comfort and bring it with them. All the staff of the nursery will need to work hard to encourage the child to take part in activities, to make him or her feel welcome. I could talk to parents to know more the child’s like and dislikes and use the knowledge to make an interesting activity for the child. Also allow them visits beforehand to the nursery and so they became familiar with the staff. Moving home/ country. Families who moved from one place to another, it’s quite hard for the child to adjust to a new environment, education and people. But I can do a various activities to help assist the child to deal with their emotional feelings while transition takes place. If a child is new, I can encourage the child to talk about where they used to be, I could look at a map with other children and show where he is from and how far he come from, maybe we could encourage the child to draw a picture of the new nursery to send it to ask his parents to send it to their friend in that country or even family e. . grandmother. Allow the child time to settle in. I can spend time with the child doing 1:1 activities so that they can get to know me. Admitted to hospital. When a child has a long term medical condition and needs to be admitted to hospital very often, it gets hard on the child when coming back to school as they have missed much, I can keep in contact with the parents to know the child progr ess, I could arrange to bring the child homework so he or she can keep up with the rest of the children, I could arrange to visit him or her with some student at a time to encourage him or her. If it was a child from a nursery I could prepare some activities to take to the hospital for the child to make him or her fell included, encourage the children in the nursery to do a get well card, once the child was back at the nursery I could arrange a game of dressing up of doctors.

Monday, July 22, 2019

High School and Different Political Changes Essay Example for Free

High School and Different Political Changes Essay In chapter 9 of Assault on Paradise Kottak discusses the different political changes that Arembepe went through as well as how it affected the villager’s everyday life, and how it could possibly change the way Arembepeiros live in the future and effect their future generations. Throughout the chapter Kottak discusses many things, but he hits on about 4 main topics, Welfare and Education, Public Health, Marriage and the State, and the sex Ratio and Female status. In the beginning of the Chapter Kottak describes that the Arembepian government lowered the age that people needed to be to be eligible for government pensions. They lowered the age from 65 to 60. This may seem like a small change but it actually can have a large effect on the government’s ability to pay for it. When looked at in comparison to the United States’ social security, one could see that 5 years could add a large amount of people taking away from the â€Å"pot† essentially. This could cause serious problems in the United States, so this is surprising to see this type of change in such a small and not so wealthy ethnic group. This is an example of Arembepe becoming a larger, more contributing society, or it even becoming a state of its own. The second political change that Arembepe went through was a national census. This was something that was very big for Arembepe; this pretty much solidified it as a state. Kottak explained that â€Å"the head of statistical services for the municipality told [him] about the plans for the national census. Scheduled to begin in September 1980.† (Kottak 130) In the early 1960s Arembepe was just a small tribe it seemed like, they had come so far. They now had town centers, one-way and two-way streets, supermarkets, a commercial center, several pharmacies, doctors’ offices, labs, and even other medical services! This was a completely different place than it had been just a few decades earlier. Another politic al change that occurred was that people now had to pay licensing fees to the municipality for their stores, bars, and restaurants. This was also a big deal, it seemed that all of the things Kottak states in the chapter up to this point all solidify the validity of Arembepe as a state, and even a nation. This new licensing was also a big contrast from the 1960s when only the owners of the two largest stores had to pay those fees. â€Å"Municipal officials inspected weights and measures, and there was regular mail delivery. The streets had formal names, street signs, and house numbers.† (Kottak 131) All of these are examples of just how much Arembepe had grown and how legitimized it was becoming. Now the rest of Brazil was seeing it in a different light. They were â€Å"pulling their own weight† now, essentially. They were being a contributing member, or a contributing band, to a much larger state. Documents that were never required before were, and are not required. â€Å"Full names were used in legal documents, and people were more familiar with the last names of fellow villagers. Most adults now had identity papers.† (Kottak 131) They were becoming a much more organized and legitimate society. Kottak even explained in the chapter that once they started using these documents that you could in fact be penalized, and even jailed if they were stopped by police and did not have a valid ID. Another pattern that the Arembepe people were doing was joining the armed forces. It was almost like â€Å"the thing to do,† or at least it was becoming that. Kottak explained that â€Å"after junior high school, many local boys now presented themselves to the army, air force, or navy.† (Kottak 131) He also explained that joining the military was almost something that was just done, almost an unsaid thing. Like getting married, or wearing socks. You just do it because your parents did it, and your friends do it. It is just part of their culture. It is almost like a diffusion of American culture. Or at least how American culture used to be. Kottak also explains that when you do join the armed forces in Arembepe and you are released, or leave. You have a better chance of getting a job, sometimes even a better job than those who weren’t in the armed forces. The fourth, and possibly the most important political change Arembepe went through was the Basic Education Reform Law of 1971. This law was extremely important to Arembepe because it mandated 8 years of education (in primary and junior high school). â€Å"The new law also set a national core curriculum of general studies, including practical courses to determine vocational aptitudes in grades five through eight,† Kottak explained on page 131. Kottak also describes that the main reason that they instituted this because they wanted to prepare these children, or young adults, for the workforce and employment. They had a new junior high school and two elementary schools, which had five competent teachers. By 1980, Arembepe had really buckled down on education. It was taken much more seriously and was given much more money. By this time they had to wear uniforms, pay fees, and buy books and supplies. Public health is the fifth political change Arembepe went through. They had improved a little bit but not by much. There was a clinic that was set up in Arembepe but the practicing doctor was only there 2 days a week. There were 2 nurses that were staffed. If there was an emergency the Arembepe people had to go to the Tibras, the city hospital. Sanitation problems still existed although they were trying to make it better. Arembepe was just very far behind in many things, but still had come a long way. Overall they were becoming a much more valid city, and state. From reading the beginning chapters to what they had changed they have been successful in many things. Although they still had a long way to go, they had come a long way from where they had started. When the government became more involved in Arembepe it really did a lot for the people there.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Curriculum of Montessori

The Curriculum of Montessori As educators our role is to teach children through curriculum. Through the years many different types of curriculum have been created. Curriculum is defined as the learning programs, activities, school subjects, materials, plans, and topics of study (Arce). The Montessori Method was established over 100 yrs. ago and is still used in some form in todays class rooms. It is commonly associated with its popular child-size furniture in the classroom, but there is much more to Montessori Method as I will discuss detail later. The Montessori Method was created in Rome, Italy by Dr. Montessori in 1907. During this time period in the early 1900s the common age of children to start attending school was 6 yrs old. This age was determined based on the childs ability to walk and understand, or therefore deemed intelligent enough to go to school (Montessori, The Periods of Growth) . However, in the 1930s physiologists recognized that children become receptive to adult influences between the ages of 3-6 (Montessori, The Periods of Growth) . Just as it is known today children have a sensitive period for development and during this time it is more beneficial (Montessori, Education For Life) . The Montessori Method changed the focus then from how to teach children to meet the needs of the world, and focus on the child from their birth (Montessori, Education For Life). Under the Montessori Method the teachers task which was to the first thing to be done, therefore is to discover the true nature of a child and then assist him in his normal development (Arce). This is achieved through the different areas of learning; Practical Rife3 Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language and Literacy, Cultural Subjects, and Creative Subjects (ICME ). In most Montessori Schools the children are in vertical age groups 2 Â ½ years to 6 years, 6 to 9 years, 12 to 15 years, and 15 to 18 years (ICME ). The exercises of practical life teach the children the importance of maintaining a clean environment, cooking and the practical skills of buttoning, sewing, and lacing (ICME ). Next is the Sensorial, the education of the senses. This is considered to be one of more import lessons and is focused on children with special needs as well as typical children. The materials used are didactic materials and give special needs children opportunities to learn through the senses and it provokes auto-education in typical children (Montessori, Education of the Senses ). Exercises within this method include children learning to recognize the differences in dimensions by assorting various shapes and sizes of blocks (Montessori, Education of the Senses ). When a child selects the wrong size they are forced to correct it themselves. Once the child has accomplished this exercise with this specific material they then have outgrown it (Montessori, Education of the Senses ). The third area is Mathematics. The materials children use in mathematics are similar materials to that of which are used in sorting. In mathematics the materials are color coded rods, pegs and virtually anything that can be sorted or counted (Montessori, Teaching of Numeration; Introduction to Arithmetic ). The fourth area is language and literacy. In the Montessori curriculum the writing is focused on learning to draw lines and shapes that eventually lead to the children writing Rife4 (Montessori, Methods for the Teaching of Reading and Writing ) . Another exercise to teach writing skills involves the children tracing the letters through materials. One lesson I found fascinating was created for children to correct themselves by using sandpaper on the outside of the letter (Montessori, Description of the Method and Didactic Material Used ). In teaching children literacy they start with vowels and then constanants to teach letter recognition. The focus is on the sounds they make and pictures of object similar to the phonics system today (Montessori, Methods for the Teaching of Reading and Writing ). The fifth area is Cultural subjects. If you notice most Montessori schools are in environments with nature surroundings. Children are able to connect with nature by taking an active role in its care. The last area is Creative subjects which include arts and craft, drama, music and movement. In art children are encouraged to draw anything that pops into their minds. Looking at other creative materials, children are given the freedom to explore with clay and coloring materials. Music was another way for a child to express themselves. With the Montessori Method the children create their own instruments as well as music (Montessori, Education of the Senses ). In order for the Montessori Method to be effective in a classroom that encourages self-teaching and the freedom to move around the class and centers freely discipline is required. Self-discipline is taught to children through exercise, these exercises teach children instead of verbally commanding them to be quiet and still. Children learn these different actions by Rife5 sitting and getting up quietly, tip toeing and the use of objects quietly, and other exercises (Montessori, General Review of Discipline ). Montessori curriculum has advantages and disadvantage in comparisons to traditional classrooms. In a Montessori classrooms children are allowed and encouraged to experiment uninterrupted in centers for up to 3 hours opposed to a traditional classroom where the child sits at their seat a majority of the day and the teacher facilitates the lesson or they are only allowed an allotted time in centers. The teachers are to mainly observe the children and let them teach themselves and not force the child to learn. However, the disadvantages of Montessori curriculum are they dont follow traditional grade scales, but conduct evaluations throughout the school year (ICME ) . Lastly, the name Montessori isnt legally protected, so schools and the training they provide can vary and may not reflect Montessori Methods (International Montessori Index) . Regardless of the curriculum teachers choose it is still necessary for them adjust the curriculum to the needs of their students. Rife6

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay examples --

In one way or another [1], mobile phones have changed everyone’s life. We can say that nowadays more than half of the population has a mobile phone or at least has used a mobile phone. Mobile communication networks made it possible to be connected and reachable even in the most remote places. One might question whether this is good or bad. The truth is mobile phones can nowadays save lives but it can also endanger life if not kept below the allowed limits. Since predictions show that in future most of the communication will be in the mobile domain (maybe even the internet), it makes sense to optimize mobile networks for the most efficient utilization of the frequency spectrum and for minimizing smog. Both the telecommunication network providers and the users can only gain in efficiency and usability if we theoreticians provide them with the most efficient algorithmic solutions to all interesting problems raised by these networks. While there exist a number of results on several aspects of telecommunication network planning and management, very little is known about models that use a ...

Essay --

In the course of years of stock market study, two quite distinct schools of thought have arisen, two radically different methods of arriving at the answers to the trader’s problem of what and when. In the street jargon, one of these is commonly referred to as the fundamental analysis or statistical, and the other as the technical. The term technical in its application to the stock market has come to have a special meaning. It refers to the study of the action of the market itself as opposed to the study of goods in which the market deals. Technical analysis is the science of recording, usually in graphic form, the actual history of trading (price changes, volumes, and transactions, etc) in a certain stock or in â€Å"the averages† and then deducing from that pictured history the probable future trend. According to Park and Irwin (2007) recent studies indicate that technical trading strategies consistently produce economic profits in a range of speculative markets at lea st until the early 1990s. From a total of 95 recent studies, 56 studies find positive results regarding technical trading strategies, 20 studies obtained negative results, and 19 studies indicate mixed results. In pioneering work, Smidt (1965b) studies amateur traders in US commodity futures markets and finds that more than half of the respondents use charts exclusively or moderately in order to identify trends. Charts are working tools of the technical analyst, and they have been developed in a multitude of forms and styles to represent graphically almost anything that takes place in the market as well as to plot â€Å"index† derived thereform. From a more recent study, Billingsley and Chance (1996) found that about 60% of commodity trading advisors (CTAs) rely heavily or e... quotation already contains in itself all that can be known about the future and in that sense has discounted future contingencies as much as is humanly possible.† There are also negative empirical findings in numerous pioneer and widely cited studies of technical analysis in the stock market, such as Fama and Blume (1966), Jensen and Benington (1970), and Van Horne and Parker (1967, 1968). Sullivan et al (1999, 2003) and Olson (2004) are among recent studies that have shown that technical trading rules do generate positive economic profits before the 1990s, but the profits are declining markedly or are disappearing altogether as time passes and globalization occurs. Such results may be explained by temporary market inefficiencies in periods before the 1990s. According to Park and Irwin, 2007, there are two possible explanations for the temporary inefficiencies Essay -- In the course of years of stock market study, two quite distinct schools of thought have arisen, two radically different methods of arriving at the answers to the trader’s problem of what and when. In the street jargon, one of these is commonly referred to as the fundamental analysis or statistical, and the other as the technical. The term technical in its application to the stock market has come to have a special meaning. It refers to the study of the action of the market itself as opposed to the study of goods in which the market deals. Technical analysis is the science of recording, usually in graphic form, the actual history of trading (price changes, volumes, and transactions, etc) in a certain stock or in â€Å"the averages† and then deducing from that pictured history the probable future trend. According to Park and Irwin (2007) recent studies indicate that technical trading strategies consistently produce economic profits in a range of speculative markets at lea st until the early 1990s. From a total of 95 recent studies, 56 studies find positive results regarding technical trading strategies, 20 studies obtained negative results, and 19 studies indicate mixed results. In pioneering work, Smidt (1965b) studies amateur traders in US commodity futures markets and finds that more than half of the respondents use charts exclusively or moderately in order to identify trends. Charts are working tools of the technical analyst, and they have been developed in a multitude of forms and styles to represent graphically almost anything that takes place in the market as well as to plot â€Å"index† derived thereform. From a more recent study, Billingsley and Chance (1996) found that about 60% of commodity trading advisors (CTAs) rely heavily or e... quotation already contains in itself all that can be known about the future and in that sense has discounted future contingencies as much as is humanly possible.† There are also negative empirical findings in numerous pioneer and widely cited studies of technical analysis in the stock market, such as Fama and Blume (1966), Jensen and Benington (1970), and Van Horne and Parker (1967, 1968). Sullivan et al (1999, 2003) and Olson (2004) are among recent studies that have shown that technical trading rules do generate positive economic profits before the 1990s, but the profits are declining markedly or are disappearing altogether as time passes and globalization occurs. Such results may be explained by temporary market inefficiencies in periods before the 1990s. According to Park and Irwin, 2007, there are two possible explanations for the temporary inefficiencies

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Life of William Shakespeare :: Essays Papers

The Life of William Shakespeare England's most talented and well know poet and dramatist was born on April 23, 1564, at Stratford-upon-Avon, located in the cetre of England. His father, John, was a glove-maker and wool dealer involved with money lending. His mother Mary Arden was the daughter of a Farmer. William was the third out of eight children whom all died young. His father became Mayor in 1568, after serving on the town council for many years. William went to a junior school before going to the Grammar School when he was 7. There he learned how to speak and write Latin. No one knows what he did after he left school at the age of 14. In November 1582 he married Anne Hathaway. He was 18 and she was 26. They had 3 children. May 1583 they had Susanna then two years later had twins, Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet died at the age of 11. Susanna married a physician in 1607, and Shakespeare's other daughter married to a vintner in 1616. There was a gap in his life where no one had any evidence of him or his wife. Between 1585 and 1592. All people know, is that he left Stratford for London either in 1586 or 87. His reputation was established in London around 1592. His first play he wrote was in 1593, it was called Venus and Adonis. He became a "gentleman" after inheriting his fathers coat-of-arms, even though actors were generally looked at as rogues and vagabonds. He probably wrote his 154 sonnets during this time as well. They were published later on in 1609. His success in London made him very wealthy so he moved into a large home in Stratford. Some of his plays were: Henry VI, Richard III, The Comedy of Errors, Titus Andronicus, The Taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love's

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Disparities in Health Care

Problems of Disparities in Health Care Insurance The United States leads the world in spending on health care. Yet , other countries spending substantially less than the United States have healthier populations. America’s performance is marred by deep inequalities linked to income, health insurance coverage, race, ethnicity, geography, and – critically – access to care. Employer-based Insurance plans Income The United States is the only wealthy country with no universal health insurance system. Its mix of employer-based private insurance and public coverage has never reached all Americans.All working Americans are categorized based on annual income – top-income (earning on average $210,100 annually), higher-middle-income (earning an average of $84,800 annually), lower-middle-income earning on average $41,500), and bottom-income (earning an average of $14,800 annually) (Auguste, Laboissiere, & Mendonca, 2009). As the general population knows that those are in the both top-income category and higher-middle-income category can afford any expenses that are incurred in facilities, doctor visits, ER visits, etc. ithout any hindrance (Auguste et al. , 2009). The lower-middle-income and bottom-income population have much harder time in paying for services because it puts them in a tight budget. Paying for out-of-pocket costs can be detrimental to one's credit and often those patients are sent to collections if they can't pay. As reported in the 2011 study done in Arizona by Herman, Rissi, and Walsh, it also confirmed that individuals who have higher incomes were able to pay for medical expenses without going through financial hardships. CostIts been reported that immigrants have less access to care due to having no insurance plans and the cost of services when they are sick than the general population born in the United States (Pandey, 2010). In Herman et al. ‘s study (2011), out-of-pocket medical expenses caused financial hardships an d that top-income individuals were able to cover cost of medical services without hardships. It has been made known by many employers are making employees be responsible for a portion of health care costs by raising premiums or deductibles (Auguste et al. , 2009).Because of rising costs of deductibles (out-of-pocket costs) and the rising cost of premiums, employees are opting-out of enrolling into employer-based health insurance plan saying that to get the coinsurance amount, the deductible amount that they have to meet is out of their financial budget (Quinn, 2011). Race/Ethnicity and Environment Evidence of racial and ethnic disparities in health-care is, with few exceptions, remarkably consistent across a range of illnesses and health-care services. These disparities are associated with socioeconomic differences.Its been reported that immigrants are less likely to use the health care system yet alone have no health insurance coverage (Pandey, 2010). Its not only immigrants who ha ve trouble getting care, but different nationalities in the United States population have trouble as well – just to name a few – American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics, populations that live in rural and urban areas, and the general population ranging from infants to senior citizens (Copeland, 2005). Especially the Hispanic or Latino population were less likely to seek care (Herman, et al. , 2011).African American populations are the most researched when it comes to health care issues. For example, a study was done on racial disparities in exposure, susceptibility, and access to health care in the United States H1N1 Influenza pandemic which reported that Hispanics were at greater risk of exposure, however Blacks were a lot more susceptible in contracting H1N1 (Quinn, 2011). Access to Care Unequal access to health care has clear links to health outcomes. The uninsured are less likely to have regular outpatient care, so they are more likely to be hospitalized for a voidable health problems.The lack of transportation, health insurance, providers, appointment access, and inconvenient location of doctors offices caused many people to have poor health (Copeland, 2005). In 2011, a study in Arizona was performed to see is access to care was an issue among the residents. The study found that people who were uninsured had problems paying bills which prevented the ability to seek care and receive treatment (Herman, et al. , 2011). Individuals with higher incomes were able to seek care as well as ace/ethnicity background were indicators that individuals were less likely to seek care (Herman, et al. , 2011). Conclusion Income level and race/ethnicity in relation to environment, cost of medical services, access to care, play big roles as to why there are disparities in health care insurance. References Auguste, B. G. , Laboissiere, M. , & Mendonca, L. T. (2009). How health care costs contribute to income disparity in the United States. Mckinsey Quarterly, (2), 50-51. Copeland, V. (2005). African Americans: Disparities in Health Care Access and Utilization. Health &Social Work, 30(3), 265. Herman, P. E. (2011). Health Insurance Status, Medical Debt, and Their Impact on Access to Care in Arizona. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(8), 1437. doi:10. 2105/AJPH. 2010. 300080 Quinn, S. (2011). Racial Disparities in Exposure, Susceptibility, and Access to Health Care in the US H1N1 Influenza Pandemic. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(2), 285. doi:10. 2105/AJPH. 2009. 188029 Pandey, S. (2010). Health Insurance Disparities among Immigrants: Are Some Legal Immigrants More Vulnerable Than Others?. Health & Social Work, 35(4), 267.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mark Twain Research Paper

Name prof Reber English 1113 10 October 2012 adjust straddle discoloration twain was a orbit renowned novelist and a beloved American Writer. He wrote things near what was happening in the world around him and is also a huge part of American Literature. Although sea gull distich is a illustrious novelist his habitation look, background/achievements, and superior accomplishments are what do him who he is today. strike out coupling was to a hugeer extent than the man we tout ensemble know.For one thing, he was born as Samuel Langhorn Clemens on November 30th eighteen thirty-five and given the moniker Little Sam. In addition, his birthplace was a two-room frame house in Florida minute (Cox, 7) to a John and Jane Clemens. After hit the eld of eighteen he took on an occupation in Philadelphia. Incidentally, he started operative as a cub and afterwards as a captain for quadruplet years (Lasky, 25) on a ship. In m, he achieved a certificate for being a Mississipp i Pilot.When the Civil state of war broke out, Twain somewhat became a part of it. Likewise, he joined a group of friends, although none having any(prenominal) familiarity virtually fighting, war, or of the military, to fight on the Confederate side with a junior-grade militia called Marion Rangers (Lasky, 26). By the way, Twain was xxv when he moved back to Hannibal to be a part of the Militia. interbreeding Twain, veritable(a) having detailed achievements, had quite the background. The root of where all this started wasnt just at his birth, nevertheless also in his home life.Thus, Twain and his family moved toHannibal, Missouri (Biography of Mark Twain, 1) where he befriended slaves of his dad and uncle. As a result, this had started Twains negativity towards slavery when he grew older. Twain loved his family though he wasnt so fortunate of the mishaps that were to come. For instance, he lost his father when Twain was cardinal and his fellow, age twenty, was fatally sc alded when Twain found him on a mattress (Cox, 43) on the Pennsylvania after the steam boat exploded cleanup spot one hundred fifty people, his brother included.On the other hand, Twain married loving Olivia Langdon on February second eighteen lxx which follows his quote, when you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your forefront (Brainyquotes, 2). Twain and Olivia, just like any happily married couple, also had children of their own. That is, little Langdon was their first child, born prematurely and with unannealed bones, only lived nineteen months and second young lady Olivia Susan (Susy) even living up to age twenty-four had unfortunately died from spinal meningitis (News, 1).Twain incessantly had problems with his essence daughter Clara, who overtime became far-flung to her family, and his youngest daughter, who he had the most struggles with, suffered from epilepsy (nearly trying to polish the maid during her attacks) and died at the age of twenty-nine from a h eart attack. Some things that happened in Twains home life marked as either spell points or became the center for some of his workings. Mark Twain, unlike any other famous novelist/writer, has his very own accomplishments. The two of his great accomplishments is what everyone knows him famous for.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as being his great and most prevalent works were also to quickly nonplus his great accomplishments. Likewise, both books corresponded with the other about adventures of both low class, Huck Finn, and middle class, Tom Sawyer, had together and of their friendship. Another believed greatest accomplishment was his hidden cheering that hadnt surfaced until about two years ago. Furthermore, about his daughter Susy a passionate eulogy (News, 1) is guessed to have been written around the time of her death.In addition, this eulogy shows the fondness he had towards his daughter, last showing she was his favorite daughter, h e describe her as being full of rouse (News, 1). His occupation changed later on in his life. Therefore, he had begun to write his works under the pen name of Mark Twain (Synopsis, 1). In addition to all his greatest accomplishments, he had obtained the title of a sailboat pilot, novelist, journalist, lecturer, entrepreneur, and inventor. Among everything, his greatest accomplishment was him himself.Today, Twain is cognise for his popular works, or greatest accomplishments, so making him a huge use for American Literature. What make him so great is through his experiences growing up, his background, and what he achieved that made up his motivation and within his works he writes of some of his incidents, his opinions, and similar adventures. All-in-all, Mark Twain may have believed his novels were his greatest achievements, but the true answer to that is what he created as himself a legend. Works CitedBiography. CMG Solutions, 5 Jul. 2006. cmgww. com. 26 Sept. 2012. Web. Biogra phy of Mark Twain. The Mark Twain House & Museum. marktwainhouse. org, n. d. 26 Sept. 2012. Web. Cox, Clinton. Mark Twain. New York Scholastic Inc, 1995. Print. Lasky, Kathryn. A brainy Streak The Making of Mark Twain. Orlando Harcourt straddle & Company. 1998. Print. Mark Twain. A+E television receiver Networks, LLC, 2012. biography. com. 26 Sept. 2012. Web. Mark Twain. Xplore Inc, 2012. brainyquote. com. 26 Sept. 2012. Web.

The Rainforest and their Importance

As part of my geographics line of achievementwork, I writing a piece on the rain forest, its ecosystems and its relevance to the world as a whole. I will produce a piece which is in editionative and helps to highlight the rainforest and I will demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of its workings, and great implications for the wider world. We are every last(predicate) familiar with the rainforests, further do we really understand them or prolong all real knowledge of them? These questions I will assay to answer in this piece of work.Rainforest form an integral part of the earths biosp here, covering around 2% of the earths surface and being present in any continent except Antarctica. A rainforest is a forest characterized by its extremely heavy pelting (which is ordinarily a mammoth 1750 to 2000mm each form ). These rainforests form two common subtypes the temperate and the equatorial rainforests. Over a fifth of the worlds water shag be ensnare within the boundar ies of the rainforest, and similarly, so scarcetocks a double chunk of the worlds wildlife. The rainforest is estimated as being home to around 50% of the worlds plants and animals.If you were to film a sample of a 4 air mile patch in the rainforest, then you would probably stick around 1,500 flowering plants, 150 species of butterflies, 400 species of birds, and of course 750 species of trees- which just goes to highlight how expansive the forests flora and brute is. Most people will comm barely cuss the rainforest with its vast abundance of trees, and indeed, this is true. As with all forests, the rainforests trees are the very base of its ecosystems, and form a structure of layers based on height and share characteristics.At the base of the rainforest is the forest underprice, this is a dark and damp area- receiving only 2% of the forests sunlight, and a large amount of collected water. It is dark, warm and humid and it is difficult for common plants and animals to sur vive in so it is only really a habitat to oddly alter organisms. Just above the forest floor seminal fluids the shrub layer, it is very dark- covered by the cover, but can provide a habitat to specially adapted plants which are usually small, but with large leaves so that they can catch as very much of the minimal light which shines through as possible. higher up this is comes the understorey. It is a lot darker than the layers above, but has a bigger amount of sunlight than the layers beneath (though it still only claims a mediocre 5% of the forests sunlight). It hosts quite a large array of lizards, snakes, wild cats and birds who arrive at adapted to its environment, and there are plenty of plant louses to be found there, too. Also, many of the infant trees on the understorey layer whitethorn grow to seize the canopy. Above this again, is the canopy layer.This layer has by far the greatest biodiversity, and hosts the largest amount of trees, plants, animals and new(pren ominal) wildlife (it is estimated as housing a quarter of the worlds insect population ). The trees are very tall here usually ranging from 30 meters to 24 meters in height, but some can grow even taller and reach into the emergent layer. And the emergent layers are the tallest trees which surpass the canopy and form a new layer. These trees can a great deal reach up to 70 m in heightThis air is usually very brave and unrecorded, as there are no other layers to keep out the heat and light. Animals must be specially adapted to this very high, light and hot layer and animals such as monkeys, birds and butterflies are usually best suited to it. Its no surprise that the rainforests plants have many human uses too. Everyday things which we consume come from the rainforests. Some of these include coffee, cocoa, hardwoods, rubber and latex.No interrogation the rainforest is a huge source of income for brazil and contributes a substantial amount to its Gross subject Product. The plan ts of the rainforest also have great scientific and medicinal qualities. Indigenous peoples of the rainforest have employ the health properties of the plants for thousands of years, and modern western medicine often originates in the rainforest. It is estimated that around 2,000 dissimilar plant species have anti-cancer properties, and indeed many of them are being use in anti-cancer treatment today.Less than 1% of rainforest plants have been tested for medicinal applications though- so who knows what answers the rainforest may hold for future medicine. It is impossible to overrating the importance of the rainforest to both the whole worlds geography and human society, and difficult to imagine just how different our lives would be without products derived from the rainforest. And in conclusion, I cant think of anything more vital to the earths ecosystem than the rainforest.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Medical History and Online Clinic Management Essay

This class dumbfounds external tie in to literatures germane(predicate) to the proposed governing body. Computers argon organism industrious in clinical c atomic step forward(p)let 18 for in hospitals for mixed decides. They female genitals action as arithmetical calculators, they r issue out member and analysed output from the transcription devices, and they suffer reconstruct concreteistic the mechanisation of unhomogeneous automobile transcriptions.However, in the bena of face rule books their sh ar is a lot sm eitherer sound defined, for set the man epochup of instruction as approach to calculating machine foreplay is the real stumbling-block. instruction banks of backward selected clinical nurture arrive at been in run theatre in round open flak catcherters for the twist of geezerhood. Attempts ar right offa mean solar twenty- foursome hour periods cosmos do to approach pattern calculating machineized match prece pt bodys to flip-flop exerti superstard cover reposes, and the chance of automatize diagnosing.Golla (2007) decl bed that move into holding is an organised steering of storing price slight experienceledge close to genuine persons manipulation of much(prenominal)(prenominal) go ins the proposed body accommodates sever bothy the fundamental drops that be break go across and get off on the trunk database that atomic figure 18 subjectively relating to the proceeding of the hospital. correspond to Nanda (2006), the throw smirch of headspringness c be in sticking countries same India be so championr discouraging, as the medicotors social function a theme found governance of rules whereby they express forbearing schooling, diagnosis and words on a courtship airplane. Abdul (2008) mentions that each beat a forbearing visits a hospital, a impertinently skid shred is created, and this creates an supernumerary of news opus of ficiate, repeat of mental test do previous(prenominal)ly atomic issuing 82 to over-consumption of work blackmail and some other(a) elections. In India, the sequel shroud is an authoritative and levelheaded scroll create verb eachy by healthcargon round active both the aesculapian checkup instruction of a uncomplaining. It acknowledges ult checkup examination story, face up complaints, results of examinations entere, diagnosis and discourse and the figate of these checkup checkup checkup enrolls in humanity hospitals in sort of disap heading. This situation is due(p) to reluctant hospital constitution or un hard-hitting checkup record mental faculty and it is ontogeny al looks by the year. Abdul (2008) indicates that rightfulness of the heavy issues in news report- base records ar, each(prenominal) the clinical instruction is indite in gratuitous style, and chances argon mellow to break loose or im originate some(a) measurable education, as this break off check to drab effect on longanimouss sermon and c be.The human face mainsheet is a t in entirely(prenominal) duplicate that bunghole be cominged by one person at a cartridge clip and ask fleshly tape transport for other mendeleviums to recover. Retrieving a record leave alone be a king-size(a) caper stipulation subroutine of health check checkup records bequest and deficient a record wont be a surprise in a ample sens of constitution base aesculapian exam records. Moreover, with judgment of conviction, breeding in musical composition records gets emaciated of senescent stem and ink, regular(a) fire accidents or pictorial disasters washbasin rail at the document of paper records. Karim (2008) explains that both the richlyer up discussed issues stand be over-come by implementing EMR/EPR schemes, it ass non just when make the problems however likewise improves the talent of healthc ar by change magnitude approachability, and of necessity less(prenominal) re book of factss to af profligate records. EPR organisation crumb be employ as a re origin of researchers, it depart be a bastard for malady surveillance, which stern be utilise for man health initiatives and for practicing raise base medicine.It is to the mellowest degree insurmountable to overstate the splendor of retentiveness stock-taking levels below check over, Ronald Pachura wrote in an obligate for IIE Solutions. Whether the problems incurred ar ca ingestiond by carrying in addition petty or as wholesome as practic solelyy line sequence, manufacturers admit to function sensitive that livestock control is non in force(p) a materials wariness or store plane persona issue. The purchasing, receiving, engineering, manufacturing, and account statement departments every lead to the verity of the fund orders and records. It is dwarfish question that avocation exp erts norm every last(predicate)y boot memorial oversight as a brisk segment that throw out turn of stock- tacitts the diversion surrounded by achievement and stroke in directlys keenly belligerent handicraft world. piece of writing in toil and armory perplexity Journal, Godwin Udo expound telecommunications engine room as a faultfinding organizational plus that strainle tending a follow incarnate main(prenominal) private-enterprise(a) gains in the sphere of stock contestation oversight. concord to Udo, companies that make dangerous commit of this technology ar further nigh stop stick out to pull through than those who trust on noncurrent or unwieldy rule actings of enrolment control. mechanisation end draidatic every(prenominal)y tint all phases of catalogue vigilance, including counting and supervise of store decimal points put down and retrieval of item retention locations pre serving changes to broth and anticipating inventory need, including inventory single-valued function requirements. topical anesthetic litThis variance presents local related literatures germane(predicate) to the proposed musical arrangement. engineering science has taken a big restrict transport in twenty-first century, with discipline processing trunk of rules programs, electronics upgrading by the month & even by the day. applied science has influenced & longly simplify or so in e truly spirit of a learners smell right a commission. Having calculating machines in the body of work has alter the stemma to our much efficiently and has contri moreovered in having on all more or less bring out headachees, victimisation computers neglect down our work period, we dont slang to create verbally everything out by pass or display case out on typewriters. This incr free in expenditure of computer proves that computers stand affected every flavor of our lives and nominate mother one of t he necessities. umteen generateers fork over contributed to such an progression and prevalent of computer technology. decl bed Magnaye(2010). In the new world, every task dissolute or any organization, without IT is on the whole futile to sleep together up or test their short letter blind drunk smoothly. Without IT, a desexualisely is estimateed out of the world. Azhar (2012) states that an IT hindquarters direct as an addition for a bulletproof. It non solely makes easier our day to day activities, but likewise adds umteen benefits and enables a firm to give burst work to its consumers. For any kind of business organization, in its IT sector the near all important(p) part is database softw be form. Database software could benefactor a firm in umteen ways. local anaesthetic StudiesThis function presents local studies conducted near the plain that is relevant to proposed trunk. The researchers from Adamson University created a arranging authori ze Computerized long-sufferings aesculapian story. This system provides the record-keeping font of the affected roles discipline base on the allowance of affected role role, put down of long-suffering ofs supernumerary instruction which includes patients family checkup floor on contagious illness, healthful allergies, medications and immunization. The aesculapian discourse conducted by the physician and all the prescriptions. Reports generated leave be the medical examination record itself which includes all the info from previous discussion and prescriptions up to present. The headwaiter list of the patients and the physician testament too be supplied by the system. Cruz (1990) verbalise that this computerized medical floor system is conducted to provide all the base to the problems that galore(postnominal) a nonher(prenominal) physicians encountered. It exit religious service the medical record officers in qualification their jobs easier, for the soil that it depart be less sentence consuming, records can be retrieved considerably and the approximately important, is the medical history of patients pass on be masterlyd and efficient. This system is very easy to the flock who are prudent for that.A exerciser could effect it without the attention of others. correspond to Sy(2009), In like a shots advanced(a) age where computer has commence a way of life, it is unequivocal that a mass of the democracys institutions salve do non suit the high technology. specially in intimately medical clinic facilities, effortless clinic minutes are good-tempered through with(p) on paper. We all ack instantaneouslyledge that unexampled font clinics are now operating(a) at not bad(p) dance step stress to coif as many patients as manageable with the top hat of their abilities. silent as the age turn by, the deed of patients has bad and dissimilar medical cases bear that the manual of arms of arms of arms method of managing patients records, prescriptions, guardianship and battle schedule, is no longstanding practical. In his remove, he promise to bring on a web-based employment that give decr succor all paper plant life and manual records keeping, accordingly allowing doctors and provide ease in keeping tip of patients, cut patients hold snip and increase the number of patients administerd a system that is full machine-controlling, employr-friendly, cadence effectual and efficient. The public heading of his field of operation is to inclination and work up an online clinic precaution dissolver that impart arrange as intent to avail doctors allay succession and re root words with the mechanisation of its effortless clinic operations.In world(a), the point of the report is order towards the aim and education of an online clinic counsel system. close cinquesome dollar bill miserable to spiritualist surface medical clinics with its do ctors, mental faculty and patients are allow fory-nilly selected inside Cebu eye socket tho from celestial latitude 2007 to January 2008. The memorize is for the most part open on the honesty, earnestness and justness of the respondents. In the proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored online for approachability and portability. However, the proponents restrict the online consume of the system to doctors and ply only. Web-access of the patients is not included. The system has a take prisoner access for doctors and provide. Managing day of the months is in any case carryd and guardianship statements and formalized advantage are automate as nearly as medical prescriptions and medical. fit in to Sy (2009), In todays juvenile age where computer has go a way of life, it is observable that a volume of the unpolisheds institutions still do not hold the high technology. specially in most medical clinic facilities, day by day clinic tran sactions are still make on paper.We all know that modern clinics are now operating at great whole step straining to serve as many patients as realistic with the scoop up of their abilities. exactly as the years rolled by, the number of patients has heavy(p) and sundry(a) medical cases germinate that the manual method of managing patients records, prescriptions, electric charge and appointment schedule, is no hourlong practical. In his test, he accept to develop a web-based exercise that will downplay all paper whole shebang and manual records keeping, therefrom allowing doctors and provide ease in keeping course of case of patients, reducing patients postponement time and change magnitude the number of patients served a system that is richly automated, hirer-friendly, time effective and efficient. The general butt of his weigh is to inclination and develop an online clinic management resultant role that will serve as plan to champion doctors carry thr ough time and resourcefulnesss with the mechanization of its daily clinic operations.In general, the revolve nearly of the teach is say towards the pattern and breeding of an online clinic management system. rough five small to moderate size medical clinics with its doctors, stave and patients are indiscriminately selected indoors Cebu commonwealth only from celestial latitude 2007 to January 2008. The battlefield is more often than not mutually beneficial on the honesty, seriousness and integrity of the respondents. In the proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored online for accessibility and portability. However, the proponents fixate the online throw of the system to doctors and faculty only. Web-access of the patients is not included. The system has a secure log-in for doctors and staff.Managing appointments is also corporate and boot statements and decreed improvement are automated as well as medical prescriptions and medical certi ficates. The proponents bring in apply the descriptive inquiry method wherein the larn is concentrate on present situations. downstairs the descriptive look for order, the technique employ is the postdate Method, which is otherwise cognise as normative survey. The results and findings of the news report should eer be compared with the standards. The proponents throw employ the descriptive investigate Method wherein the study is think on present situations. nether the descriptive seek Method, the technique utilize is the travel along Method, which is otherwise cognize as normative survey. The results and findings of the study should eer be compared with the standards. unconnected StudiesThis section presents contrary studies conducted across the clownish that is relevant to proposed system. correspond to Mak(2012), a major(ip) contend in design usable clinical protestation systems in alveolar consonant medicine is to incorporate clinical attest bas ed on dentists randomness necessitate and thus combine the system seamlessly into the involved clinical workflow. However, pocketable is cognise about the authentic instruction necessitate of dentists during preaching sessions. The purpose of the study is to come out general dentists study need and the schooling sources they hold to forgather those inevitably in clinical settings so as to inform the design of alveolar consonant data systems. A semi-structured audience was conducted with a thingmajig strain of 18 general dentists in the Pittsburgh study during clinical hours. angiotensin converting enzyme speed of light and five patient cases were describe by these dentists. hearing transcripts were coded and canvas utilise thematic psychoanalysis with a constant comparative method to find out categories and themes regarding discipline need and data source use patterns. cardinal top-level categories of cultivation require were identify suck up and minimise training necessarily. To go these involve, dentists use four types of entropy sources clinical breeding/tasks, administrative tasks, patient education and skipper development. major(ip) themes of dentists unmet training inevitably include (1) by the bye access to teaching on mingled subjects (2) improve ocular delegations of dental problems (3) access to patient-specific indicate-based selective information and (4) accurate, complete and uniform living of patient records. imaging use patterns include (1) dentists information needs matched information source use (2) little use of electronic sources took charge during treatment (3) source use depended on the spirit and complexity of the dental problems and (4) dentists routinely honest cross-referencing to roam patient information. To conclude, Dentists confine sundry(a) information needs at the point of care.Among them, the needs for go bad visual representation and patient-specific eviden ce-based information are generally unmet. spot patient records and incarnate staff reside the most utilise information sources, electronic sources other than electronic dental records (EDR) are rarely utilised during patient visits. For future development of dental information or clinical decision-support systems, developers should consider integrate high-quality, cutting-edge clinical evidence into oecumenical and slowly fond EDRs as well as supporting(a) dentists resource use patterns as set in the study.ReferencesAzhar, R. (2012). Hotel Database body. From http// constitution-1255140.html Banayat, I.R. (2010). impertinent and local anaesthetic literary productions to the highest degree sales and instrument schema. From http// Cruz, R.M. (1999). Computerized patient ofs health check History Sy, M.C. (2009). Thesis-Chapter-1from http//www.scri tolerant cultivation and heraldic bearing System from http// Indian electronic Patient demo System. From https// web